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Quando ouviu Delfins pela primeira vez, colocou o computador em repetição


The popular Portuguese band Delfins is celebrating their 40th anniversary with a concert on April 6, 2024, at Meo Arena. Leading up to the event, fans can follow along with weekly updates on the RFM YouTube channel and all platforms as they share 40 years of stories. The podcast and videocast “Delfins 40 anos de Histórias” features informal conversations with band members Miguel Angelo and Fernando Cunha, as well as various guests from the industry.

Each week, new episodes are released on Wednesdays and made available on the RFM website, app, YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and Popcasts. Directed by Bárbara Afonso, the series offers a behind-the-scenes look at the band’s journey and the impact they’ve had on fans over the years.

In one episode, fans from different generations share their love for the group, highlighting the timeless appeal of Delfins’ music. Another episode features friends from Cascais reminiscing about the band’s influence on the local music scene. Journalists Miguel Cadete and Luís Maio discuss the evolution of Portuguese music and the impact of Delfins on the industry.

Guests like Marité and Emanuel Ramalho share personal stories from their time with the band, offering unique insights into the music scene of the ’80s and ’90s. The series also delves into the band’s relationships with industry professionals, highlighting the collaborative nature of the music world.

With each episode, fans gain a deeper understanding of the band’s legacy and the impact they’ve had on Portuguese music. The “Delfins 40 anos de Histórias” series is a must-watch for anyone who has ever been touched by the music of Delfins and wants to learn more about the band’s incredible journey.



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