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esporte fino feminino

Women's Fine Sports: how to get the look right?

Surely you have already received an invitation and it said: “fine sport”. Having a dress code at an event can be intimidating because we don't know what fits right into the rules! Therefore, it's good to look for some tips and inspiration to make sure we don't make a mistake or just to look for inspiration!

They say that dressing well is being well-dressed for a certain occasion and that's exactly what we're going to do in this post. Come with me! ❤️

The Dress Code

What is it?

Dress code, in free translation, means dress code. But, in practice, they are just rules on how to dress in certain situations. Did you receive a wedding invitation? There's the dress code. And that's where the importance of being well dressed for a specific occasion lies.

It may seem outdated, but we are talking about decorum. Living in society means following some rules, including when it comes to clothing. It is not acceptable, for example, to wear a mini skirt to a seventh-day mass. It's a matter of respect for the place and the people around you, isn't it?

Uncovering Dress Codes

Casual Sport

Let's start with the most informal of all: the Casual Sport. We're not talking about gym clothes here, okay? It's time for good old jeans, t-shirts, leather jackets, short dresses, shorts, sneakers or flats. Ideal for Sunday lunches, barbecues with friends, family parties and birthdays. Remember: a casual and comfortable look, but nothing sloppy!

Formal dress

Now, going up a notch in formality, we have the Formal dress. Perfect for both daytime and nighttime events, such as cocktail parties. Invest in tailoring, midi dresses, pantaloons and more noble fabrics. On your feet, a block heel is a great choice. It's the type of look we wear in more formal environments, such as at work or at corporate events, dinners and cocktails.


The social dress code is more formal and widely used by companies at night-time events, such as weddings, graduations and company parties. Suits, structured pieces, shirts, long and midi dresses are elegant options. At night, you can add shine, slits, necklines and transparencies.

black tie

Now, for gala events and extremely formal occasions, we have the black tie or Dress code. We're talking about the height of formality, like sophisticated wedding parties and exquisite dinners. Dresses with noble fabrics, such as silk and satin, stones, lace and glitter are welcome. On your feet, high heels are essential, as are jewelry and a clutch.

Women's fine sports: how to get the look right?

When the invitation says “fine sport”, the word “sport” already rules out glamorous long dresses and makes us more comfortable. The idea is to be tidy, but in a more relaxed way. In other words, it is the art of dressing elegantly and comfortably at the same time.

Always remember: fine sportswear is one that has quality fabrics, a good cut and beauty. After all, no one wants to spend uncomfortable hours during a long event, right?

Dos and Don'ts of fine sport!

Jeans are banned!

In fine sport, we leave the jeans aside and we bet on the elegance of tailoring. Tailored pants are perfect for composing this look. Please don't show up to the party wearing jeans, unless you really know how to innovate!

Invest in Lapels

Suits are not my favorite piece, as I find them a little tacky and “claustrophobic”, they are tight, but at the same time they don’t flatter my body. But if you don't want to take too much risk, it could be a good choice. To replace the suit, I use lapels in a more general way and with looser pieces. This is a great look for outings in the city or less “party” events in general.

Explore Classic Prints

Prints are welcome, but the most classic are the best options. Avoid very flashy prints and opt for more timeless florals and stripes.

Vary in Models and Lengths

Don't get hung up on long styles. Short thigh-length dresses are elegant and can be suitable for less formal events such as parties. Not to mention when it's very hot. This look has that romantic comedy Greek wedding vibe!

Choose Sophisticated Fabrics

Opt for more elaborate fabrics, such as lace and silk, to ensure a chic look. However, be careful not to make the piece too sensual, depending on the occasion.

Pantalona, Instant Elegance

I can't even describe how much I love the pantaloon! It adds a wonderful lightness to any look. It is an excellent option for composing fine sports.

Just dress her with a light blouse and I look like this: sober and casual. There's no error.

Basic Black Always Works:

Of course, we couldn't forget the classic little black dress. A black dress, with a cut that flatters your body, can be the perfect choice for fine sports. It demonstrates elegance and sobriety, far from the inventions of streetwear (which I love!). To add a personal touch and not be too much basic, I pay attention to accessories when I dress more monochromatic.


So, girls, now it's easier not to make mistakes in fine sports, isn't it? When we think about it, it may seem complicated, but the truth is that with some very basic rules we can transform almost any look to fit this dress code. If you are looking for some old inspiration, I recommend you research the “preppy style”, which was the style of American college students in the past.

Nowadays, I even feel that fashion is pushing thin sports much more towards sports than thin (haha). Clothes are looser, not only pants, but also blouses and the use of sneakers are much more common. Sometimes even with white running sneakers (a bit like dad shoes, you know?). I think these trends would fit very well into a work party!

I hope you liked the post, if you have any questions, just leave a question and I'll answer, okay? Kisses, see you next time! ❤️


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