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Communication with spirits: what spiritualism says about dreaming about deceased people

Communication with spirits: what spiritualism says about dreaming about deceased people

Have you ever had the experience of dreaming about someone who has passed away? Many people report vivid dreams about loved ones who have passed away, and they often wonder if these types of dreams have any meaning related to spiritual communication. In the context of spiritualism, the theme of dreams about deceased people is permeated by many interpretations and meanings. In this article, we will explore what spiritualism has to say about this frequent phenomenon.

What are dreams about deceased people?

Before understanding spiritualism's view of this type of dream, it is important to understand what dreams about deceased people actually are. For many cultures and belief systems, dreaming about departed loved ones can be an emotionally intense and eye-opening experience. Some individuals believe that these dreams are forms of spiritual communication, while others view them as subconscious manifestations of longing and mourning. Regardless of the perspective adopted, it is undeniable that dreaming about deceased people awakens countless reflections.

Spiritism's view of dreams about deceased people

In spiritualism, understanding dreams about deceased people is associated with the belief in communication between the earthly and spiritual planes. According to the premises of this doctrine, spirits maintain the ability to connect with us through different channels, dreams being one of them. In this context, dreaming about deceased people is interpreted as a way for spirits to try to transmit messages or energy to the living.

The spiritual interpretation of dreams about deceased people

The spiritual interpretation of dreams about deceased people is anchored in the belief that spiritual life is continuous and that spirits have the ability to interact with the living in subtle ways. Based on this perspective, the occurrence of dreams about deceased loved ones is seen as a sign of spirits attempting to communicate to offer comfort, guidance or even warnings about certain situations.

The importance of self-knowledge and spiritual sensitivity

For followers of spiritualism, dreams about deceased people can also be seen as an opportunity to promote self-knowledge and develop spiritual sensitivity. Through reflection on these dream experiences, individuals engaged with the spiritist doctrine seek to understand and interpret possible messages from spirits, as well as strengthen the link between the earthly and spiritual planes.


In short, the interpretation of dreams about deceased people in the context of spiritualism is intrinsically related to the belief in spiritual communication and the continuity of life after death. These dreams are considered as a form of interaction between spirits and the living, carrying with them meanings that can be interpreted as messages of comfort, guidance and encouragement for self-knowledge. For followers of spiritualism, dreaming about deceased loved ones is an opportunity to deepen spiritual awareness and seek understanding about life beyond the earthly plane.

FAQs about dreams about deceased people

1. Do dreams about deceased people always have spiritual messages?
Not necessarily. According to spiritualism, the interpretation of dreams about deceased people can vary according to the context and content of the dream. Not all dreams of this type are interpreted as spiritual messages.

2. Is it possible to control dreams about deceased people?
The practice of dream control, known as “lucid dreaming,” can allow individuals to influence the content of their dreams, including the possibility of interacting with people who have passed away. However, there is no guarantee that these interactions will be interpreted as spiritual communications.

3. How do you know if a dream about a deceased person is a spiritual message?
Interpreting dreams about deceased people in a spiritual context requires sensitivity and spiritual awareness. Individuals engaged with spiritualism seek to understand possible messages through reflection and symbolic interpretation of dreams.

4. Does spiritualism consider all dreams about deceased people as spiritual events?
Although spiritualism recognizes the possibility of spiritual communication through dreams, not all dreams about deceased people are interpreted as spiritual events. The conception of such dreams as spiritual messages depends on several factors, including individual experience and symbolic interpretation.

5. Is it possible to evoke the spirit of a deceased person in a dream?
According to spiritualism, the evocation of spirits in dreams is a complex and delicate practice, which involves ethical and spiritual issues. Spiritist doctrine emphasizes respect and integrity in relation to communication with spirits, discouraging attempts at evocation that could interfere with spiritual balance.


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