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Eyelash glue thread by thread: how to choose the ideal anti-allergenic option for you

Eyelash glue thread by thread: how to choose the ideal anti-allergenic option for you

If you are a fan of thread-by-thread eyelashes, you know how essential the glue you choose is to ensure a safe and comfortable application. However, many people suffer from allergies or sensitivities in the eye area, which makes choosing anti-allergenic glue essential. In this article, we will explore how to choose the right anti-allergenic eyelash glue for you, taking into account different factors and needs.

Quality of the anti-allergenic glue composition

When it comes to choosing an anti-allergenic eyelash glue, the quality of the product's composition is essential. Look for glues that are hypoallergenic, that is, formulated to minimize the risk of allergic reactions. Additionally, prioritize products that are free of latex, formaldehyde and other ingredients that can trigger skin sensitivities.

Sensitivity Tests

Before applying any eyelash glue thread by thread, it is important to carry out sensitivity tests to ensure that the product will not trigger allergic reactions. Apply a small amount of glue to the skin near your eyes and wait 24 hours to see if there is any type of irritation or redness. If there are no adverse reactions, the glue is likely safe to use.

Consultation with a dermatologist

If you have a history of allergies or skin sensitivities, it is highly recommended to consult a dermatologist before choosing an anti-allergenic eyelash glue. A qualified professional will be able to evaluate the product's composition and recommend specific options that are safe for your skin type, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions.

Considering durability

In addition to the allergy issue, the durability of eyelash glue thread by thread is also an important aspect to consider. You want the glue to hold your lashes in place all day without the need for constant touch-ups. Therefore, when choosing the ideal anti-allergenic option, check its durability and resistance to contact with water and sweat.

Reviews and recommendations

Before purchasing an anti-allergenic eyelash glue, it is worth checking reviews and recommendations from other consumers who have sensitivities in the eye area. Look for reports from people who have similar experiences and who have tested and approved certain brands or products. This can help direct your choice to an option that is truly effective and safe.

Brands specializing in anti-allergy products

Finally, consider opting for brands specializing in anti-allergy products, which have a genuine commitment to consumer safety and comfort. These brands often invest in research and development to create eyelash glues that are not only hypoallergenic, but also durable and effective.

In summary, when choosing the ideal anti-allergenic eyelash glue for you, it is essential to consider the quality of the product's composition, carry out sensitivity tests, consult a dermatologist, evaluate durability and resistance, research reviews and recommendations, and choose brands specializing in anti-allergy products. By following these tips, you will be able to enjoy stunning lashes without worrying about allergic reactions.


1. What is the difference between eyelash glue and regular eyelash glue?
Eyelash glue is formulated specifically for applying individual eyelash extensions, while regular glue may be more generic and not necessarily hypoallergenic.

2. Can I apply the anti-allergenic eyelash glue thread by thread on my own?
Although it is possible to apply it at home, it is recommended to seek guidance from a professional or eyelash extension specialist to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

3. What is the shelf life of anti-allergenic eyelash glue?
The shelf life may vary depending on the brand and product formulation, but generally, the glue has a shelf life of six to eight months once opened. Always check the expiration date on the label before using.

4. Is the anti-allergenic eyelash glue waterproof?
Some allergy-friendly options are waterproof, but it's important to read the product description carefully to ensure it meets your needs.

5. Where can I find anti-allergenic eyelash glue in Brazil?
You can find hypoallergenic eyelash glue in cosmetics stores, salons specializing in eyelash extensions, and in some pharmacies and online beauty stores. Make sure you choose a reliable and reputable supplier.


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