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Start Thursday with positivity – A guide to practicing 'namaste' in the morning

Start Thursday with positivity – A guide to practicing 'namaste' in the morning


Welcome to your Friday, the day we can seek more positivity, tranquility and connection with ourselves. A wonderful practice to bring a feeling of calm and balance is 'namaste' in the morning. In this guide, we will explore the meaning of 'namaste', how to practice it in the morning and the benefits this practice can bring to your day.

The meaning of 'namaste'

The term 'namaste' is a traditional greeting used in India and many other eastern cultures. It is commonly pronounced by bringing the palms together at chest level and slightly tilting the head. The word 'namaste' itself means “the divine in me greets the divine in you”. This greeting is a way to recognize how deeply connected we all are, and to show mutual respect and gratitude.

How to practice 'namaste' in the morning

Practicing 'namaste' in the morning can be a simple yet extremely powerful ritual to start your day with positivity and intention. To start, find a calm, quiet place where you can sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, connecting with the present moment.

Now, bring your palms together at chest height. Feel the pressure of your hands against each other, creating a feeling of centering and balance. Take a few more deep breaths and repeat mentally, or out loud, the word 'namaste', feeling the intention behind the greeting. Allow yourself to feel the connection with yourself, with others and with the universe around you.

Benefits of 'namaste' in the morning

Practicing 'namaste' regularly in the morning can bring numerous benefits to your daily life. By starting your day with this greeting, you are setting the intention to connect with yourself and others in a deeper way. This can help increase compassion, empathy, and acceptance, both for yourself and those around you.

Additionally, 'namaste' in the morning can be a powerful way to find calm and mental clarity before starting your day. By taking a few moments to center and connect, you can increase your resilience to stress and improve your ability to deal with challenges that arise throughout the day.


Starting Thursday with positivity is essential to create a solid foundation for a more rewarding and balanced day. Practicing 'namaste' in the morning is an excellent way to establish that positivity and connection with yourself. By honoring the divine in yourself and others, you are nurturing the essence of humanity and the beauty of existence.


1. Can 'namaste' be practiced by people of any religion?
Yes, the 'namaste' greeting is an expression of mutual respect and gratitude that is not linked to any specific religion. It can be practiced by people of all beliefs and backgrounds.

2. At what time of day is it most appropriate to practice 'namaste'?
While 'namaste' in the morning is an excellent way to set positive intentions for the day, this practice can also be done any time you feel the need to reconnect with yourself and others.

3. Is it necessary to be in a specific position to practice 'namaste'?
No, 'namaste' can be practiced in any position that is comfortable for you. Whether you are sitting, standing, or even lying down, you can perform the 'namaste' greeting and enjoy the benefits of this practice.

4. Are there variations in the way of practicing 'namaste' in different cultures?
Yes, although the greeting itself is essentially the same, there are variations in the way people perform the physical gesture around the world. In some cultures, the greeting may be accompanied by a slight bow of the body, while in others it is done with hands together at chest level.

5. Does practicing 'namaste' in the morning require any type of training or prior knowledge?
No, 'namaste' is a simple greeting that can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their level of experience with meditation or spiritual practices. All you need is a quiet space, a few moments to focus, and the intention to connect with yourself and others.


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