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Food introduction: what to offer your baby from 6 months onwards

Food introduction: what to offer your baby from 6 months onwards

When it comes time to introduce solid foods into a baby's diet, many parents feel lost and anxious about what is safe and appropriate to offer. The introduction of food is an important milestone in a baby's development and, therefore, it is essential to have reliable information about which foods are most suitable for this stage. In this article, we will explore what to offer your baby from 6 months onwards, taking into account the child's safety, nutrition and development.

The importance of introducing food at 6 months

The introduction of food marks the baby's transition from an exclusively liquid diet to the inclusion of solid foods in his routine. At 6 months, the baby's digestive system is more mature, allowing the introduction of new foods. Furthermore, at this stage, breast milk or formula are no longer sufficient to meet all the child's nutritional needs, making the addition of solids essential for their development.

Recommended foods

1. Fruits: Fruits are a popular choice for dietary introduction, as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Banana, apple, pear and avocado puree are good options to start with. It is important to offer ripe fruits, cut into small pieces or crushed.

2. Greens and legumes: Introducing greens and vegetables into your baby's diet is essential to get him used to a healthy diet from an early age. Mashed potatoes, carrots, broccoli and zucchini are good options. It is important to cook the vegetables until they are very soft and then mash or process them.

3. Cereals and grains: Enriched cereals such as rice, oats and quinoa are excellent for providing additional carbohydrates and nutrients to your baby. Initially, the grains must be well cooked and processed until they obtain a smooth consistency.

4. Proteins: From 6 months onwards, it is possible to start introducing proteins into your baby's diet. Lean meat puree, chicken or fish are good options. Make sure the meat is well cooked and shredded before offering it to your baby.

It is essential to introduce foods one at a time, in small quantities, and observe any allergic reaction. It is important to respect the baby's adaptation time to each food and always offer variety to ensure a balanced diet.


The introduction of food at 6 months is an important milestone in the baby's development and must be done carefully and consciously. Choosing appropriate foods, considering the child's safety, nutrition and development, is essential to ensure a smooth transition to a more varied and balanced diet. By offering fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains and proteins gradually and carefully, parents contribute to the formation of healthy eating habits and the baby's well-being.


1. What foods should be avoided when introducing food?
Up to 1 year of age, foods that pose a risk of choking should be avoided, such as popcorn, whole peanuts, unpeeled grapes, among others. It is also recommended not to offer honey, cow's milk, sugar and foods rich in sodium and fat.

2. How do you know if your baby is ready to introduce food?
Some signs that the baby is ready to introduce food include the ability to sit without support, interest in observing and picking up food, loss of the reflex to push food out of the mouth and increased demand for breastfeeds.

3. Is it necessary to offer water to the baby during the introduction of food?
From 6 months onwards, with the introduction of solid foods, it is recommended to offer your baby water, especially between meals, to keep him hydrated.

4. How much solid food should the baby initially eat?
At the beginning of food introduction, the amounts of solid foods are small, functioning more as a sensory experience than as a main source of nutrition. Breast milk or formula should still be the main source of nutrition until 1 year of age.

5. What to do if the baby refuses a food when introducing food?
It is common for the baby to refuse some foods at the beginning of the introduction of food. The food should be offered again at another time, calmly and patiently. Refusal should not be a cause for concern, but rather a natural part of the baby's adaptation process to new flavors and textures.


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