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Como ser uma mulher mais atraente


Hi guys, How are you? In today's post, we're going to talk about attraction, but I want to make it clear that I'm not talking about it in a sexual sense, about attracting a man. I've already shared tips on how to be a more visually attractive woman, but now I want to address how to be an attractive woman as a person.

1. Be Cordial and Independent

As you know, I don't like bullshit. The first thing that can make you more attractive is to be a warm and independent person. This goes for both women and men, but I'm going to focus on women here. Being cordial involves knowing how to listen, act without looking at anyone, and treating others as we would like to be treated. Being independent also contributes to your attraction, as it shows self-confidence and autonomy.

2. Have a Good Humor

Another important point is good humor. A person with a good sense of humor is naturally more attractive. Even in the midst of problems and rushes, it is essential to take life lightly. Good humor helps us deal with everyday difficulties and attracts the people around us. Therefore, make an effort to maintain a good mood, even on gray days.

3. Be Friendly, Without Forcing

Being friendly is another quality that makes us more attractive. This does not mean being false, but rather treating people lightly, even in difficult times. A smile and friendly gestures make all the difference. Furthermore, studies show that being friendly, even when we are stressed, improves our mood and attracts good energy.

4. Keep Calm

Being a more attractive woman also involves being calm. Both in speech, posture and behavior. Science proves that calmer people are more attractive than those who demonstrate a high level of stress. Conveying calm makes people want to be around you. Assess where you need to improve and work on your patience and serenity.


So guys, these are some tips to be a more attractive woman as a person. If you identify areas where you can improve, do a self-assessment and start working on them. I hope these tips were useful to you.


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